How to become an Empathetic Manager and Leader
COVID has brought Empathy in Managers and Leaders into the limelight. To quote from Forbes: “Empathy acts as a glue between relations. A leader shares a very strong bond with his followers (employees) and like any other relationship, the relationship between a leader and followers also requires empathy.
Researchers found that when the top management doesn’t show empathy, the lower and middle management exhibit less loyalty to the company and are less interested in their work.”
How to become Empathetic?
• Be encouraging. Always encourage your team to do their best and never lose confidence in them.
• Be a good listener. Listening carefully is an important aspect of leadership and helps you truly understand the root of an issue.
• Lead from within the team. Don’t lead from the front. Encourage collaboration and make sure everyone feels heard.
• Show genuine interest. Always take a personal interest in the duties of each and every individual of your team. This will help you understand where each person is coming from and what influences their behavior.
With so much Digitization, how can a Manager and Leader be empathetic? How do we create time and space to engage one-on-one relationship building? Investment of Time, in fact, is the most important factor which drives Empathy in relationships. And Time is what Leaders and Managers do not have!
Pexitest ( gives you an unbiased platform to understand your team and then engage with them in a meaningful manner — using these reports as a window into their capabilities, aptitude, and competencies. It’s the first step to quickly accumulate the basic understanding of ‘your’ people.
Trigger a simple Assessment, the team member does it at his / her time, read the report, make your notes and then its time to have a conversation. These sessions then become a good time for relevant discussion and guide the team member in the right direction — with regards to their career path, learning needs and potential of growth.
Become a Manager and Leader who first KNOWS and UNDERSTANDS his team and then you will automatically be able to advise and guide them well , with empathy. The team also responds back with HIGER PRODUCTIVITY to you , their manager and leader — who understands them and gives personalized inputs !
It’s a Win-Win situation .
The good part is that the tool ensures a common level of assessment and hence, does away with any PERCEPTION BIAS. The Manager and Leader can view the Team members on a common plane, understand them and engage with them individually.
Are you a Leader or Manager looking to REDUCE attrition, INCREASE productivity and ensure a GOOD Rapport with your team ? In short, are you looking at ENHANCING YOUR PERFORMANCE ?
Reach us to discuss at / +91 734966 2320 .
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